
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Feel like your hair wont grow? Or has Stopped Growing?A MUST READ

Hair growth ultimately occurs by a two fold process: Hair Emergence and Retention.
The first process is the most widely known, and is simply the emergence of new hair from the scalp. The emergence of the hair is an unconscious, biological response to living, so aside from a clean bill of health, and a healthy, balanced diet there is not much more that we can do to help this process along.
Unfortunately, this is the step of the process where many of us get "caught up." We believe that if we can somehow increase the rate at which the hair emerges from the scalp, then we'll have the long flowing hair of our dreams. This idea works well in theory, but without the second component of hair growth, this theory falls flat.
Once the hair emerges from the scalp, the second key process is the retention of the ends of the hair. While hair emergence occurs independently, the process of length retention is often dependent on our own care methods and requires concentrated efforts. Without retention, no visible length progress can be seen though the scalp is continuing to push out new hair. So how do we preserve the ends of the hair as it emerges from the scalp so that length is seen?

If you are the girl who presses her hair once a week, give your hair a break occasionally. At least for about four weeks wearing protective styles.
 Protective styling is just that! These are styles that protect the ends of the hair from rubbing, splitting, and being damaged by the elements. Protective styling for relaxed heads is the optimal styling choice for maximum retention. When you leave your hair out in the open air every day, the ends will soon dry out. Without the use of protective styles throughout the week, the ends of the hair will continue to rub back and forth across cotton shirts and blouses causing severe splitting damage and breakage. If this is allowed to continue over the course of weeks or months length potential may never be seen.

Think of your hair as a sponge. What happens to a damp sponge that is left outside for an extended period of time? It dries out and becomes over rigid. The internal water/moisture has been depleted and it is no longer pliable. The same set of principles apply to your hair. Your hair given these considerations will most likely dry out and break off.
Before I started protective styling, my hair never grew beyond shoulder length. I was one of millions of women stuck at the shoulder length hump. Just look around you. There are still many of us with shoulder length hair that won't seem to grow past this length. Protective styles are a great way to push the hair past this growth plateau.
There are many women who can grow their hair to great lengths without ever resorting to protective styles-but for many of us, protective styling is a very effective hair growing and hair preservation tool.

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