
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How to Identify Shedding vs Breakage

Shedding is apart of your hairs "cycle of life" if you would. It is imperative for the growth of fresh new, healthy hair. Breakage however, is not. It is your hair's response to damage or too much use of a particular product or ingredient. So how do you distinguish between breakage and shedding? I'm so glad you asked!

This is a natural occurrence hair sheds at the end of its growth cycle and one should only be worried if you have LOADS of hair falling out (use your discretion to determine loads). If your hair is falling out dramatically it might be due to high levels of stress or hormonal changes e.g. post-partum shedding.

This is what you should be worried about, breakage can be due to an excess or lack of moisture or protein. Manhandling (tight braids, heat damage, styles that cause strain on your edges can also lead to breakage.

Shedding: The hair strand is white at one end and the length of the fallen hair closely matches the length of your hair. So if the hair is short but has a white bulb on 1 end, it probably means a broken strand is now falling. If it is long enough but does not have the white bulb then it's not shedding.

magnified hair strand with white bulb


hair strands w/ white bulb

Breakage: These strands are usually shorter in length and should not have a white bulb attached, if they do then refer to above

Shedding Solutions:
If shedding is extreme and prolonged see a doctor it might be indication of something else. Also since shedding is connected with hair growth, if you are taking supplements to speed up hair growth you may experience more shedding.

Adding garlic to your deep conditioner or hot oil treatment, using garlic conditioners or taking garlic supplements.
  • Rinsing your hair with Black tea or Coffee.
  • Applying Castor Oil to your scalp.

Breakage Solutions:
There are different solutions to breakage but to know the right one you need to find the cause of your breakage

  • Rectifying the Moisture content through regular deep conditioning, co-washing and moisturising
  • Adding protein to your hair as needed
  • Fixing protein overloads by clarifying, moisturising and deep conditioning.

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